By Dr. Marion Somers, Ph. D., Ask Dr. Marion

QUESTION: How can I bring recreation to my aging mother? Barbara in Louisiana, 64

ANSWER: I'm so glad you asked. Recreation is one of my favorite topics. When I used to explain it to my students, I spelled it out as re-creation. Many elderly are not active in the same way they used to be. They've let their mind and body atrophy. So recreation is a way to re-create fun and activity where there may be none.

If there's a disability involved, I like to deal with whatever part of an elder's body and mind are still functioning. What does he/she still have control over? For those who don't have disabilities, the approach is the same. I focus on doing what I can to make the elder happy. Through recreation, I tap in to his/her creative energies, intellect, and talents. We often discover new talents that have never been explored.

I'm talking about recreational activities that move the body and the mind. You have to get the thought process flowing. Make sure the activities involve your elder in the world at large in mental, physical, and emotional ways. Your elder needs to get excited and feel good in an active, not passive way. Don't just take your mother to a movie or prop him/her in front of the TV. Create something from scratch so she can learn something about herself while she shares herself with others.

One client of mine had been a very successful and creative sewer earlier in her life. She was no longer able to do that, so we decided to make cookies. She absolutely loved tapping in to her creativity in this different modality. It was a way for her to be and feel alive! When she made cookies for her doorman, the icing had a door on it. When she made cookies for an entire class of graduating kindergarteners, each cookie had a mortarboard hat on it. For her friend who was a retiring detective, she made cookies with a badge on it. This recreational activity kept her involved in her community even though she had limitations. To me, that's the perfect recreation for an elder.

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