Driving Skills Assessment

Directions: Use this checklist to identify signs when your loved one may either need to alter his/her driving schedule or stop driving altogether.

Did your loved one do any of the following recently? Yes No Notes
(Severity and Frequency)
Drove at inappropriate speeds ? either too fast or too slow
Responded slowly to pedestrians, bicyclists, or other vehicles
Asked passengers to check if it was clear to change lanes or turn
Ignored or misinterpreted a traffic sign or light
Became irritated or frustrated when driving
Bumped into a curb
Appeared confused or scared
Mistook the brake and gas pedals for each other
Got lost on a familiar route
Had a near miss
Had difficulty physically while driving (includes turning neck or head or turning wheel)
Caused a car accident
Received a traffic citation or warning
Signaled incorrectly or not at all
Moved into the wrong lane
Parked inappropriately
Stopped in traffic for no reason
Caused dents or scrapes on car, garage or mailbox
Poorly anticipated potential danger

If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you should consider the following:

  • Share what you have observed with your relative and other family members.
  • Get loved one's hearing and vision tested.
  • Have loved one's reflexes tested in a physical examination.
  • Research which medications your loved one is taking that might cause drowsiness or confusion.
  • Evaluate your loved one's intake of alcohol to see his/her tolerance has changed.
  • Reduce the need to drive by using delivery services and arranging for friends or relatives to give him/her a ride.

It may not be necessary to stop your relative from driving entirely. You can modify by letting him/her to:

  • Drive short distances to only well known locations.
  • Drive during the day.
  • Avoid driving heavily traveled roads, during bad weather and during high traffic hours.
  • Allow enough time to get somewhere so rushing isn't necessary.


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